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Our Missionaries:

Barry & Desma Abbott, Brianna, Brenden

The Abbotts serve in Cameroon in West Africa in front line, village ministry. Barry is a missionary team leader for World Team.

World Team has been in among the Baka, since the early 1990s. In recent years, workers are beginning to see the fruits of the many years of labor among the Baka.

One missionary said, “It’s been hard to get traction [among the Baka], Over the last ten years, there have been a couple of key leaders rising up.”

“One of them is named Nestor. He carries himself differently. He has a confidence that comes from his faith in Christ that makes him stand out in his own community.”

His growth has been a great encouragement to the team and is helping others in his community see the impact of Christ on a daily basis. As more and more leaders like Nestor begin to rise up, the team is seeing a change in the communities around them.

Steve and Alyson Baldwin

The Baldwins serve with Create International where create gospel films and media to share around the world. Often time their productions find their way on mobile devices and make-shift screens in otherwise inaccessible locations.

The Davis Family, Ken & Luci, Melissa, Michael, Mark

Ken and Lucimar Davis serve with World Venture in Brazil. Ken is the Executive Director of Edicoes Vida Nova (New Life Publishing). Our mission is to promote and publish God’s truth for the edification of His churches and their leaders. Vida Nova publishes with a ministry vision committed to the inerrancy of Scriptures, the sovereignty of God and the sufficiency of Christ for salvation.

Early in Ken’s ministry a love was developed for training leaders, especially those in rural areas who would be best served with an extension seminary model. He teaches at two extension seminaries in the areas of Bible interpretation, expository preaching and Bible exposition.

Ken and Luci have three grown children living in the States. Melissa has graduated college and is working. Mike and Mark are studying. All three live close together and attend the same church.

Kamanda Mansaray

Kamanda (shown above with his daughter, Lydia) is an experienced missionary with an effective ministry in Sierra Leone. Evangelism in a wide area and ministry at Grace School are part of how God is using Kamanda. He serves with https://villageministries.org

Howard & Eleanor Parker, Michael

Howard serves the Lord in Sierra Leone through church ministry, preaching and teaching on a regular basis. He is also very active in evangelism, school, transportation and hospital ministries. Howard is actively training distant churches in evangelism and doctrine. He serves with https://villageministries.org

Roberta Peabody

Roberta serves among returnees with TEAM. Japan is a culturally and technologically advanced nation that appears to be upwardly evolving, but remains a land of spiritual darkness. The hopelessness of the polytheistic religion of Shinto and the non-theistic philosophies of Buddhism have consistently resisted the light of the Gospel. It has instead created an atmosphere of despair evidenced by one of the highest suicide rates in the developed world, an alarming level of teen sexual activity, and an epidemic of social withdrawal syndrome. TEAM is preaching the Gospel alongside our Japanese brothers and sisters in Christ to build up the church.

Click on the link below for Roberta’s latest update:


Tony & Ming Perrello

Mobilizing future missionaries!

Pray for open hearts on both sides of the ocean and close relationships that lead people closer to Jesus and doing God’s will.

About Me:
Tony Perrello is serving WorldVenture as a missions mobilizer for the churches on the East Coast. He seeks to develop powerful partnerships with churches and individuals here and abroad to see people transformed by Jesus Christ.
Tony was born and raised in New York and became a Christian in high school. His wife, Ming, was born in Taiwan and raised in New York. They married in 1987 and have two children: Micah and Kristen.

The Perrellos served as missionaries in Taiwan and Macau for eight years with WorldVenture. They focused their ministry on planting churches and helping in leadership development. In 2001 the couple helped start the Great Praise Church in Macau. About a year after the first service at the church, the Perrellos were forced to return to the States because Tony developed multiple sclerosis. After returning to the States, Tony became the pastor of English ministries at the Chinese Christian Church in Somerset, New Jersey. He served in that position from August 2002 to August 2005 until he became a missions mobilizer with WorldVenture.

Michael Turay

During our 9 am service on October 3, 2021 Michael Turay shared the message. We will also featured Michael during our 10:15 am Adult Group. Michael is an experienced missionary with an effective ministry in Sierra Leone. See the videos from Michael’s visit on the sermon and livestream page for October 3, 2021.

All of our Supported Missionaries