Join us for our Men’s Group on Saturday mornings 8-9 am. We will be meeting in Lower Fellowship Hall.
Our Current Study:
Join us as we study through 1 Timothy!
A message from our Men’s Ministry Chairman, Frank Guerra:
I have attached an overview of our coverage of Paul’s First Letter to Timothy for your convenience. Coffee, refreshments, and a light breakfast will be available each week, and I hope to see many of you there.
With love and prayers,
I Timothy –
I Tim. 1:1-11 Misleading in Doctrine and Living
I Tim. 1:12-16 Paul’s Call from a Merciful God
I Tim. 1:17-20 Timothy’s Call
I Tim. 2:1-8 A Call to Prayer
I Tim. 2:9-15 Women Instructed
I Tim. 3:1-7 Overseers
I Tim. 3:8-16 Deacons
Jan 24 I Tim. 4:1-5 Apostasy
I Tim. 4:6-16 A Good Minister’s Discipline
I Tim. 5:1-16 Honor Widows
I Tim. 5:17-25 Concerning Elders
I Tim. 6:1-11 Instructions to Those Who Minister
I Tim. 6:12-21 Fight the Good Fight of Faith

Falmouth Baptist Church has an active Men’s Ministry Program dedicated to serving our Savior and helping men grow into the Godly men that God calls them to be. Our Mission is to provide Men with an opportunity to come to see Jesus and know Him as Savior and follow Him as Lord. We work together in the Word of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to develop a dedicated ‘Band of Brothers’ equipped and trained to follow Jesus Christ. Becoming God’s man is a life-long journey that will impact all of the areas of your life with Christ.
Begin today! Come and grow with us. Take your place within the family of God by joining with this Band of Brothers.
Our Men’s Ministry Program includes the following:
Weekly Men’s Bible Study
Monthly Men’s Breakfasts – featuring a variety of Christian speakers.
Summer Family Camping week on Washburn Island.
Winter Weekend Men’s Retreat.
And much more.
Becoming God’s man is a life-long journey that will impact all of the areas of your life with Christ.
Contact Information:
Pastor: John Ely; 508-548-3260,
Director of Youth Ministries: Tim Rogers; 508-548-3260,