Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

Upcoming Study:

Please join our women’s intercessory prayer group. We meet at the church on Saturdays at 8am. For more information please contact Becky Guerra.

Bible Studies:

The Women’s Ministries Committee is excited about our Bible Studies on Mondays during the day and Thursday Nights.

Women’s Ministries

Invites Women out to

Women’s Bible Study

Start Date September 9th

Day Study, Monday at 10:00am

At the Guerra’s Home

1, 2, 3 John & Jude by Dr. David Jeremiah

1st session review of lessons 1-6

For more info contact Lori Bisbee, 203-733-0919

Thursday Night Study:

Women’s Ministries

Invites Women out to

New Women’s Bible Study

Evening Study, Thursdays at 6:30pmWomen’s Ministries Start Date: September 12th

Falmouth Baptist Church’s Upper Fellowship Hall

For more info contact Bebe McCall, 508-524-7400

Falmouth Baptist Church

Our Vision Statement:

Women sharing the love of Jesus Christ with one another.

Our Mission Statement:

To encourage one another to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit