We are meeting at 9 AM
We would love to have you join us in person or online. Before and after the service there is coffee and snacks in the Lower Fellowship.
How to Watch
Recorded Video click on image with today’s date.:
Click and subscribe: Our YouTube Channel
What to Expect in Person
Casual clothes or dress clothes, please wear what you find comfortable. Come into the foyer, using the ramp or steps and you will be warmly greeted. Restrooms are available downstairs. Currently masks are optional during the service (We have a mask available for you). We are seated together in the auditorium. Soon the service starts and the Worship Team leads us in worship. The words are all on the screen. We pray and share some of the news of the church family. A message is shared from God’s Word, the Bible. After the service join us downstairs for refreshments, it is a great time to re-connect or make new friends!